Membership Directory

This is a privilege we would love every member of our church to have. With services and ministries, we know faces but only sometimes know names. To that end, we are excited to have this photo directory as an instrument for you to use to get to know one another and our church better. We look forward to continued growth in our church family and enjoy this new feature in which technology aids fellowship.

There are two ways to access the Midway Presbyterian Church Digital Directory. 

1. Online
2. Mobile App 

How to log in? 

All Midway members can access the Digital Directory online or by app. Please see the available resources below for members to access our directory.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Question: I already have the Midway Pres Church App. Is that where I log in to the directory?
    Answer: No, the Midway Pres App and the Midway Digital Directory App (by Instant Church Directory) are not connected. You must download them separately. The Midway Pres Church App contains resources and information and allows you to maintain your tithes and offerings. The Midway Digital Directory houses all of the contact information for the members of the church.

  • Question: I do not want to have another app on my phone. Is that the only way I can access the directory?
    Answer: No, you can also access the directory online under our Resource tab by signing in on a computer.

  • Question: Can I get a paper copy of the directory?
    Answer: Yes, you can get a paper copy of the directory one of two ways. First, you can log in to the digital directory, download our PDF, and print at home. Secondly, Midway Members can stop by our administrative offices and pick up a printed copy.

  • I am trying to log in, but my email is not recognized. What do I do?
    Answer: You must enter the email address used in Midway's directory. Please contact the church office if you do not know your email in the directory.

  • Question: Will everyone who searches for my contact information be able to see how old I am?
    Answer: No. Your birthdate is visible only to you. Members can see your month and day, but not the year you were born.

  • Question: Can I update the picture of my family in the Digital Directory?
    Answer: Yes, you can update your family profile picture easily on your own. You are free to update the picture as often as you like. Please use high-resolution and recent photos to keep our directory clean and up to date. Any changes made will be sent to our church staff for review and approval.

  • Question: My contact information has changed. Can I update it?
    Yes, you can make updates to your information on the website or app. Our church staff will review and approve any changes made.

  • Question: Looking for additional help?
    Answer: Visit Instant Church Directory's help library for more video tutorials and other helpful information.