Rev. Dr. David W. Hall

The Rev. David W. Hall has been married to Ann since 1980 and is the father of three children and nine grandchildren. He has served as the Senior Pastor of the Midway Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Powder Springs, Georgia, since 2003. Previously, he served as Pastor of the Covenant Presbyterian Church in Oak Ridge, Tennessee (1984-2003) and as Associate Pastor at the First Presbyterian Church in Rome, Georgia (1980-1984).  

Pastor Hall’s undergraduate degree from the University of Memphis (B. A., 1975) was in philosophy. After completing his undergraduate studies, Pastor Hall studied at Swiss L’Abri and then enrolled at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, graduating in 1980. He was ordained in 1980 and later earned a Ph. D. in Christian Intellectual Thought from Whitefield Theological Seminary. His dissertation later became The Genevan Reformation and the American Founding (Lexington Books, 2003).

In addition to pastoring, David Hall is the author or editor of over 40 books and numerous essays. He was also the Founder and Senior Fellow of the Kuyper Institute in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. In addition to his commentaries and Kuyper Institute Briefings, his works include: Savior or Servant? Putting Government in Its Place; Election Day Sermons; Paradigms in Polity; The Arrogance of the Modern: Historical Theology Held in Contempt; The Practice of Confessional Subscription: Jus Divinum: Holding Fast to Creation; The Millennium of Jesus Christ: An Exposition of The Revelation for All Ages, Windows on Westminster; A Manual for Officer Training, Welfare Reformed: A Compassionate Approach and A Heart Promptly Offered: The Revolutionary Leadership of John Calvin.

In addition to his work as Executive Director of Calvin500 (Geneva, 2009), his Calvin500 series contains the following works: The Legacy of John Calvin, Calvin in the Public Square, Calvin and Commerce, Preaching Like Calvin, Calvin and Culture, Tributes to John Calvin, and Theological Guide to Calvin’s Institutes (with Peter Lillback).

His most recent writings include: Irony and the Presbyterian Church in America; On Reforming Worship; Questioning Politics; Declaring Independence; Summer Reading: Christian Classics; Election Sermons; Lux: Essays on Calvinism (vols. 1, 2, and 3), Practicing Christian Marriage, Twenty Messages to Consider Before Voting, and Theology Made Practical: New Studies on John Calvin and His Legacy. All titles are available at Amazon. Pastor Hall writes weekly at Cheering Folly's Demise.

Pastor Hall has served on numerous Presbytery and General Assembly (PCA) committees. He was the founding Moderator for the Reformation Studies Section for the Evangelical Theological Society (2011-2017) and has served on the board of trustees for Westminster Seminary, California. In 2010, he founded the Reformation & Worship Conference, which Midway has hosted since then.