To honor God and obey Jesus in showing mercy as we have been shown mercy, giving “a cup of cold water” in His name, fulfilling the second greatest commandment by showing love to our neighbors, being merciful as our heavenly Father is merciful, remembering the poor, being kind to the needy, and thereby executing the office of deacon as established in the Bible and detailed in the PCA Book of Church Order.
Jesus commands showing mercy to all: those inside the church and out, and even enemies.
Midway’s members
Regular attenders
Local churches members
Remote church members and missionaries
Local unchurched
General disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires)
Regular attenders
Local churches members
Remote church members and missionaries
Local unchurched
General disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires)
Members of the Mercy committee meet those requesting aid to discuss the depth of need and how best to meet it. Sometimes, it is simply financial assistance – paying a gas bill – and other times, it is raking leaves or repairing steps (in which cases we’ve engaged volunteers from the congregation), and even offering assistance in financial paperwork and basic counseling.
Mercy is greatly aided by the Women in the Church, who coordinate particular aid and support for needy women and children and maintain a help closet with food and clothing. For longer-term needs for our members (such as those stemming from unemployment or medical conditions), Mercy refers the case to the Midway Member Relief Fund committee. Mercy and MMRF work is handled confidentially, budgeted separately from Midway’s general funds, and each can receive designated donations
Mercy is greatly aided by the Women in the Church, who coordinate particular aid and support for needy women and children and maintain a help closet with food and clothing. For longer-term needs for our members (such as those stemming from unemployment or medical conditions), Mercy refers the case to the Midway Member Relief Fund committee. Mercy and MMRF work is handled confidentially, budgeted separately from Midway’s general funds, and each can receive designated donations
Proverbs 14:31; Matthew 5:7; 10:42, Luke 6:27-36; 10:25-37, Galatians 2:10; 6:10 Acts 6:1-3
The Book of Church Order of the PCA – Chapter 9, especially 9-1 and 9-2 (starting at page 31).
The Book of Church Order of the PCA – Chapter 9, especially 9-1 and 9-2 (starting at page 31).