Sing joyfully to the lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him. Praise the Lord with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.
Psalm 33:1-3
Music in Worship
We believe that music is an integral part of worship. The Psalms are replete with commands, not suggestions or implications, but commands for us to sing! Our Ministers carefully design the order of worship each Sunday to include hymns and Psalms which relate to the scripture readings and sermon for that service. These hymns and Psalms are opportunities for us to actively participate in worship, offering full-throated praise to God! Since these hymns and Psalms are essentially prayers, they are concluded with an “Amen”.
Instrumental music also plays an important part in our services. The Prelude is a time for us to prepare our hearts and minds for worship. The offertory is a musical offering played during the collection of God’s tithes and offerings, giving us another opportunity to meditate and pray. The Postlude is a celebration of the risen Christ, a joyful closing to the worship service, as we exit God’s Sanctuary, and re-enter the world in which we live.
Each Sunday, our choir sings an anthem during the morning worship. The choir is located in the rear balcony of our Sanctuary. The words of the anthem are printed in the bulletin. The congregation is thereby focused on the text of the anthem, rather than on the performers. We strive for excellence both in the selection of anthems, as well as the presentation on Sunday morning. And yes, the choir is performing, and their audience is their God, creator of all that is!
Instrumental music also plays an important part in our services. The Prelude is a time for us to prepare our hearts and minds for worship. The offertory is a musical offering played during the collection of God’s tithes and offerings, giving us another opportunity to meditate and pray. The Postlude is a celebration of the risen Christ, a joyful closing to the worship service, as we exit God’s Sanctuary, and re-enter the world in which we live.
Each Sunday, our choir sings an anthem during the morning worship. The choir is located in the rear balcony of our Sanctuary. The words of the anthem are printed in the bulletin. The congregation is thereby focused on the text of the anthem, rather than on the performers. We strive for excellence both in the selection of anthems, as well as the presentation on Sunday morning. And yes, the choir is performing, and their audience is their God, creator of all that is!

Adult Choir
Wednesday's 7:15-8:30 p.m.
The Adult Choir resumes regular rehearsals this August in the choir rehearsal room. We invite all who wish to praise our risen Lord and Savior in song to join us! No audition is required, just come to a rehearsal, preferably a few minutes early so that we might welcome you and get you settled in with a music folder and such. What is required is a heart for the Lord, and a desire to add your voice to ours as we become one voice in praise of our Heavenly Father. The choir is open to Midway members and regular attendees, age 18 and older. Our rehearsals are filled with beautiful music, warm laughter and fervent prayer, as we prepare for worship. If you would like additional information, please give the music director a call. . . or just come to a rehearsal, and see for yourself.

Wednesday's 5:40-6:25 p.m.
Children's and Youth Choir rehearsals will resume on September 6th. We meet every Wednesday evening, 5:40-6:25, for the purpose of learning how to sing and about the role of music in worship. Each of these choirs will sing for occasional worship services and will be a part of Christmas and Spring Programs.

Director: Mrs. Kaliste Fish
Accompanist: Ms. Lauren Yarbrough
Age requirement: Ages 4-6; must be four years old no later than October 1, 2019
Rehearsal Location: MCCS Music Room
Accompanist: Ms. Lauren Yarbrough
Age requirement: Ages 4-6; must be four years old no later than October 1, 2019
Rehearsal Location: MCCS Music Room

Director: Mrs. Abby Eller
Accompanist: Mrs. Judy Dodd
Age requirement: Ages 7-10; must be seven years old no later than October 1, 2016
Rehearsal Location: Choir Rehearsal Room
Accompanist: Mrs. Judy Dodd
Age requirement: Ages 7-10; must be seven years old no later than October 1, 2016
Rehearsal Location: Choir Rehearsal Room

Director: Mrs. Arie Motschman
Accompanist: Mrs. Camille Howard
Age requirement: Ages 11-18; must be 11 years old no later than October 1, 2012
Rehearsal Location: Choir loft, 2009 Sanctuary
Accompanist: Mrs. Camille Howard
Age requirement: Ages 11-18; must be 11 years old no later than October 1, 2012
Rehearsal Location: Choir loft, 2009 Sanctuary

Thursday's 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Our handbell choir, is currently seeking a leader for this group, in addition to a few new ringers. In all, we will need eleven (11) ringers in order to make full use of our handbells. You do not have to read music in order to ring handbells, just be able to count to 4, and keep a steady beat! If you think you would be interested in directing this group, or would like to try ringing bells, please let me know. Once we have a director and eleven ringers, we will choose a rehearsal day and time that will work for all ringers. We will ring for occasional worship services.
instrumental Ensembles
Midway offers a number of opportunities for those who are called to be a part of the music ministry. Our adult choir is open to singers ages 18 and older. No audition is required, just a desire to serve God and this congregation with your voice. We meet year-round, preparing anthems for Sunday worship services. Anthems range from those by the great composers of the Renaissance to the best offered by living composers, with emphasis upon excellence in text and musical composition. A highlight of our musical year is in December, the presentation of a Service of Lessons & Carols. Our children’s choirs are for ages K4-12th grade, and are divided into Cherubs (K4-1st grade), Midway Singers (grades 2-5) and One Accord (grades 6-12). These choirs rehearse August through May, singing for occasional worship services, and presenting programs in December and May. Our bell choir, Midway Ringers, also rehearses August through May, and rings for worship services every 3-4 months. We have been blessed with a magnificent 55-rank pipe organ, built by A. E. Schlueter Pipe Organ Company specifically for this sanctuary, and a beautiful 9′ Steinway piano. Both of these instruments are used for service music, offertories and choral accompaniments. We maintain an offertory rotation, which includes piano, organ, and a number of different orchestral instruments. We would be delighted to welcome you into any of these ensembles! Please let us know of your interest and availability by contacting the Music Director.