How it all started
Midway Presbyterian Church is best described as a church with a heritage and a vision for the future. Founded in 1850 with fourteen organizing members, Midway is located 8 miles west of Marietta, on Georgia Highway 120. For the first 120 years of its existence the church ministered to a rural community. Generations of families were born, reared, raised families of their own, and died never leaving this peaceful section of West Cobb County. Their lives were closely tied to Midway, which served as a focal point for family worship, sharing, and fellowship within the community.

The mission
Now the rural setting of the church is rapidly changing. Subdivisions now stand where cattle once grazed. Our system of connecting highways has made the Lost Mountain Community of West Cobb very much a part of greater Atlanta. The church membership that was once primarily composed of long-time community families now embraces members who hail from across the country. God in His gracious provision has given Midway the opportunity to minister to both existing and newly located families who have a need and a hunger for Scriptural preaching and teaching
The Belief
Throughout its history, Midway has consistently and steadfastly held to the truth of the Scriptures as the infallible and inerrant Word of God. Its conservative roots have brought forth ministers, missionaries, and committed laymen to share the Good News of God’s love with others. We are part of the Presbyterian Church in America, a denomination organized in 1973 with roots which reach to the Protestant Reformation. We believe the Bible is the written Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, reliable, believable, infallible and possessing God’s authority in all matters concerning what we are to believe and how we are to live.

The Growth
To meet the needs of a growing church membership, God has faithfully provided avenues to growth. The sanctuary built in 1905 still exists on the church property. At the time of its construction, men of the church made on the premises the actual blocks of which it is built. This chapel, recognized by the Georgia Historical Society, is used for children’s ministry and Sunday School.
In 1987, we moved into our 475-seat sanctuary with its 13-classroom educational facility. In 1991, we dedicated an addition to that facility, including a 375-seat education/fellowship hall, large kitchen, 8 classrooms and a 3-room choir rehearsal area with a music office. These facilities currently house Midway Covenant Christian School. The school was started in 1996 with a 5-year kindergarten class. Each year a new grade has been added with a current enrollment of 300 in grades K4 through 8th.
In January 2009, a new sanctuary (with seating capacity of 1200) was dedicated, along with a new Fellowship Hall (capacity 750), an upper level where the choir suite is located and a lower level under the sanctuary that houses new Nurseries, Youth, and Children’s rooms.
In 1987, we moved into our 475-seat sanctuary with its 13-classroom educational facility. In 1991, we dedicated an addition to that facility, including a 375-seat education/fellowship hall, large kitchen, 8 classrooms and a 3-room choir rehearsal area with a music office. These facilities currently house Midway Covenant Christian School. The school was started in 1996 with a 5-year kindergarten class. Each year a new grade has been added with a current enrollment of 300 in grades K4 through 8th.
In January 2009, a new sanctuary (with seating capacity of 1200) was dedicated, along with a new Fellowship Hall (capacity 750), an upper level where the choir suite is located and a lower level under the sanctuary that houses new Nurseries, Youth, and Children’s rooms.
Although grateful for our past heritage and traditions, we look forward to the future God has in store for us, as we seek to glorify Him and to utilize our gifts and facilities as a means of evangelizing our world for Jesus Christ. We look to God for the strength and wisdom needed to accomplish the task He has set before us.